Vacation and Over-indulgence Recovery


Summer is the season of vacations. Even when you’re not on vacation, you may get caught up in summer relaxation mode and let yourself go a bit. Whether you’re at a BBQ and you find yourself drinking a little more than you should or you stop at a Taco Bell on the way back from the beach, you’re entitled to a little cheating. The key is not letting the guilt get to you and lead you to an extended binge or giving up on your health completely because of one little slip up.

After a vacation or a little indulgence, the best thing to do is to accept it and go on with your regular health and fitness regimen. You’re only human and once in a while it’s okay to pig out a little. In fact, it’s even beneficial if you do it sparingly. Even professional athletes and bodybuilders have cheat days. The reason for these is that they boost your metabolism and get your body used to digesting foods that contain more fats and carbs. If your body is asking for a certain food, you should give your body what it wants, because chances are it’s going to binge on it after a few days of deprivation. The truth is you can eat anything you want in moderation. If we all just ate whatever we felt like whenever we felt like, most of our metabolisms would be on fire and there’d be no need to over indulge, but this is unrealistic for most of us health freaks.

So when you do over indulge, don’t try to compensate by over exercising or reducing your calorie intake. Just get back to your routine and drink lots of water. Eat clean and do whatever workout you have scheduled for that day. You’ll feel better at the end of the day and your body won’t be starving. This is the best way to detox your body.

I found this great article from that tells you how to recover from vacation eating.


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